Friday, February 12, 2010

I took this picture last year on a weekend family camping trip. I thought it was truly an awesome photo. I entered it in a contest I thought I had bagged and the judges hated it. I was crushed. I kept looking at it thinking what did I do wrong? The lighting is good, the flowers are in perfect focus as I wanted them, the red rock background is blurred to just my liking. So why didn't they like it? The answer is I'll never know. Some judges look for things others don't. I have to learn to take their words with a grain of salt. Most Critics I will take their words to heart and really try to use their helpful info all throughout my career. Others we just don't agree, but that's ok. One persons favortie is anothers train wreck. I have to learn to keep on trying and not get discouraged. I would love to hear any thoughts anyone might have on this...

1 comment:

  1. I so totally agree with you and it is VERY discouraging. This has happened to me so many times and every time I get a little crushed. But I read something somewhere that the way to overcome fear of failure is to try to fail as much as possible. Well I don't try to fail, but I keep entering art shows, because I tell myself maybe I'll get in or maybe I won't. But I for sure won't get in if I don't try. And that is one of my greatest fears that I will look back on my life and wish that I had tried harder to achieve my dreams. So bring on the rejections, I'm not afraid of you :) By the way I LOVE that photo it's just beautiful, the composition is lovely and the colors are just right.
