I am a Northern Utah Photographer. 801.710.7198 . www.photographybyjenny_7@yahoo.com
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"You never know..."
You never know what this day will bring you. For some it's a beautiful sunrise the likes you have never seen, it could be the day a new baby comes into your home. For others it could be the worst day of their life, the day when you lose a peice of you. I have lived every day as if I can have a do over tommorow. Sometimes you never know, you might not have any do overs.... I had some devastating news today. A loss of a friend. I decided then and there that I am starting to live my life differently. Each day will be its own. Full of wonder and happiness. I'm going to let the little things stop bugging me. So what if there is dog hair on the sofa and laundry to be done... Did I do my best today as a wife,mother,daughter,sister and friend? Did I spend enough quality time with the people who mean the most to me? Did I make today the best it could possibly be? These are the questions I am going to ask myself every day. I hope you all strive to make your life better and live each day to the fullest. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Monday, February 15, 2010
"I've found Photoshop!!!"
"All of my photos thus far have been "sooc" straight out of the camera shots. I have never been one to learn photoshop, until now. It is amazing.!. You can do so much with a great photo. I am one who loves vintage and sepia tones. I took today and played around with this picture all day. I really like the way it turned out. You can see it below. I'm sure you will see much more in the following days.
I am glad I learned as much as I did before I learned photo shop. I feel like people can use it as a crutch for a truly good photo. I am excited to show you some of the things I've learned. Stay tuned!"
I am glad I learned as much as I did before I learned photo shop. I feel like people can use it as a crutch for a truly good photo. I am excited to show you some of the things I've learned. Stay tuned!"
Friday, February 12, 2010
I took this picture last year on a weekend family camping trip. I thought it was truly an awesome photo. I entered it in a contest I thought I had bagged and the judges hated it. I was crushed. I kept looking at it thinking what did I do wrong? The lighting is good, the flowers are in perfect focus as I wanted them, the red rock background is blurred to just my liking. So why didn't they like it? The answer is I'll never know. Some judges look for things others don't. I have to learn to take their words with a grain of salt. Most Critics I will take their words to heart and really try to use their helpful info all throughout my career. Others we just don't agree, but that's ok. One persons favortie is anothers train wreck. I have to learn to keep on trying and not get discouraged. I would love to hear any thoughts anyone might have on this...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday we went out to have some fun playing on the trains and I ended up getting another of my favorite shots. I had big plans to do something very creative and they were changed by the weather. The kids were freezing. It was rainy and wet and cold. I was lucky to get the shots I did. Then it was like the movies when all of a sudden the sun comes out and it was an "AHHHHHHH" moment. We were just going around the train and the light caught my middle child's hair. I yelled STOP! She turned and said "What Mom?" I said "The light..." That was all she needed to hear. I have them pretty well trained now. She grabbed the rail and struck a pose. It was perfect, like magic. It does help that she is gorgeous! Not just because I'm partial being her Mom and all. Hehehe... The moral of my very long crazy story is... always, and I do mean ALWAYS!!! have your camera at the ready and keep your mind working. I know it might be just luck sometimes, but not always. I capture my favorite shots this way. Everyone makes jokes saying that when I have my camera in my hand, I am in my own world. This is true. I'm always thinking and plotting my next pose. It's how I create what I love. Focus is a good thing. Try it sometime I think you'll be pleasantly surprised......
Monday, February 1, 2010
Yesterday we went to my Mom's house to plow some snow. I brought my camera along just in case I got the urge to shoot some pictures. I was going to leave it in the truck and play with the kids, but at the last minute I grabbed it. I am so glad I did. I got an awesome shot. Maybe my all time favorite. The lighting is awesome and my baby girl is gorgeous. Of course I think all the pictures were good, but this one is spectacular. So I reached my goal of doing something inspiring. Yeah me!!! I hope you all go and do the same. Have a great week..... Be inspired.
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